Sven Ehmes

Goethe University Frankfurt

“Layers of inequality: How (un-)equal regions in (un-) equal countries affect civic participation”

Sven Ehmes is a doctoral researcher at the Chair for Social Stratification and Social Policy. Since November 2022, he works on the ERC project “POLAR (Polarization and its discontents: does rising economic inequality undermine the foundations of liberal societies?)” headed by Prof. Markus Gangl. Sven studied Political Science with a Minor in Sociology (B.A.) as well as Sociology (M.A.) at Goethe University.
In his Master’s thesis, he studied the effectiveness of social investment policies and examined cross-nationally to what degree individual employment opportunities are shaped by social investment policies and their complementarities.
Sven’s research interests include comparative welfare state research, social policy and social stratification, political attitudes and behavior, and methods of empirical social research