Anke Hoeffler
University of Konstanz

Roundtable – Global South
Anke Hoeffler is Professor of Development Research and leader of this working Group at the Department of Politics & Public Administration at the University of Konstanz. Her research interests are wide ranging and often interdisciplinary. Broadly she is interested in the social causes of excess morbidity and mortality and likes to provide a forum for researchers from across the disciplines to collaborate on violence related topics. Since March 2020 she is a research affiliate of the International Security and Development Center (ISDC) in the global research project Life with Corona. She received her DPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford in 1999. She was offered an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in 2018, Germany’s most valuable international research award. Before going to Konstanz she was a research officer at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) at the University of Oxford.